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Abstract (English):
The development of a language is a change in time of the structure of the language, its elements and their connections, a change in the functions of the language structure, its parts and elements. It occurs under certain conditions, internal, inherent in the language itself, and external influences in relation to the language. The paper considers the material of one of the two grammatical mechanisms of the language, the morphology of the Russian language. The formal and semantic structure, the stable basis and changes in grammatical units, the norm and usage in the field of non-significant parts of speech are analyzed. The prepositions of the modern Russian language are described. Words of the auxiliary part of speech are considered in the communicative-functional aspect. The study uses descriptive and quantitative methods and the method of component analysis of semantics. The prepositions of contemporary Russian language are describing. Obsolescence and elimination from the language system of some primitive and derived prepositions, some meanings of polysemantic prepositions are noted. The emergence of new prepositions, the development of new meanings of prepositions are described. The revealed changes are systemic and stylistic in nature.

communicative practice, morphology, prepositions, language changes
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