Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At work considers the main directions for improving effective ways to protect information in the information exchange system when controlling unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by building an optimal information transmission system under the influence of external influencing factors. The main aspects of the interaction of technical means of MGCS and UAV, which form the basis of the UAV control system, are presented. The prospects of increasing the possibilities of using UAVs through the use of combined groups, including UAVs and manned aircraft (MA) controlled by unified PNPU with an open architecture, are determined. It is shown that effective management of processes and flows in the infrastructure of unmanned vehicles presupposes the presence of information systems that ensure the detection of malicious software and information security of testing technology in the process of standardization and certification. An algorithm for the implementation of ISS certification is presented, which complements the access control system (ACS) with the capabilities to search for UA IES channels, identify their scenarios and eliminate them It is shown how useful some provisions of the theory can be used to improve the efficiency of information exchange systems. An algorithm for the synthesis of the unauthorized access detection system is given and recommendations for improving the noise immunity of radio control lines «mobile ground control station (MGCS)-UAV» in negative external influences (NEI). The expediency of developing a decision making mechanism is noted, according to which, in relation to the operating conditions of radio lines, their operability is assessed and the possibilities of their functioning with a given level of quality are determined. Based on the analysis of data on the operability of the entire complex of software and hardware controls and communications involved in the operation of MGCS and UAVs in NEI conditions, recommendations and proposals for improving the operability of radio lines in NEI conditions are formulated.

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) information transmission systems, effectiveness of information security in dual-purpose unmanned aerial vehicles, optimization and modeling tasks.

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