Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
About linguistic value. In modern linguistics, the question of linguistic value was raised by Ferdinand de Saussure, the founder of structural linguistics. By the linguistic value (yazykovaya znachimost) of words, he refers to differences obtained on the basis of comparison of alternative words in different languages. For example, a scientist compares the words "baran" in Russian and "sheep" in English and tries to derive linguistic value from the syntagmatic and stylistic differences in their semantic content and different places of use. In Uzbek linguistics, linguist G. Nematova uses the concept of linguistic value for the first time in her dissertation researching the linguistic systematic features of lexemes of plant names and their artistic uses, and relies on the views of Ferdinand de Saussure as a methodological basis.

Linguistic value, Agrarian sector, agriculture, conceptual approach, value, land reclamation, agrarian reform
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