Russian Federation
UDK 336 Финансы. Банковское дело. Деньги и денежное обращение
The goal of this study is to elaborate the recommendations of managing the energy companies’ financial results for maintaining their sustainable growth. According to determined criteria various models of sustainable growth were chosen and tested. Some of them which showed the best prediction power were taken for the further study. Financial analysis of companies’ reports was done and the evidence about the existence of a pattern in forming their financial results was given. The factor analysis was carried out in order to find the impact of changes in external environment on the net income. The main factors that influence the amount of net profit and the sustainable growth ratio and the quantitative extent of their impact are determined. Final recommendations are the set of financial tools, using ones will increase the effectiveness of business of energy companies.
sustainable growth, financial analysis, energetics, factor analy-sis, COGS management, financial modeling
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