Russian Federation
This article is devoted to formation and development of strategic partnerships to ensure sustainable business development in Russia. The article presents the author’s methodology for analyzing strategic partnerships, and also outlines the findings of its practical evaluation using the example of the analysis of the following strategic partnerships: Moscow Automotive Plant Moskvitch; Chinese automotive company JAC Motors; Optic Fiber Systems JSC; and the Japanese company Sumitomo Electric Industries. Particular attention is paid to the existing projects of the above companies, which are implemented by them jointly. The analysis has highlighted several developmental areas where these companies could develop their partnership. Also, the author considered several promising areas of cooperation between Russian and foreign companies under the conditions of sanctions pressure.
economy, management, sustainable development, business sustainability, project management, projects, cooperation, partnership, strategic partnership, joint ventures, Moskvich, JAC, Optic Fiber Systems JSC, Sumitomo Electric Industries
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