UDK 128 Душа. Смысл жизни и смерти
UDK 122 Причинность (каузальность). Первопричинность. Принципы. Causa efficiens. Условие. Действие. Побуждение
UDK 10 Философия
GRNTI 02.91 История философии
GRNTI 02.01 Общие вопросы философии
OKSO 47.03.01 Философия
BBK 8730 Всемирная история философии
TBK 8215 Современная западная философия
BISAC PHI043000 Movements / Post-Structuralism
Today we see that in many humanitarian fields a conflictual understanding of the dynamics of personality and life in general still prevails. But at the same time, we may miss that such an understanding is due to the development of philosophical and other teachings, many of which no longer correspond to the relevance of today and are accepted not critically, but rather dogmatically. The article shows that there is at least one more interpretation of personality, which can claim to be a relevant solution to today's issues in the field of philosophy, psychology, sociology and other humanities disciplines addressed to the subject.
Subjectivity, Deleuze, Subjectivation, Personality
1. Gritsanov A. A. History of philosophy. Encyclopedia // Deleuze J. [Electronic resource] // URL: https://velikanov.ru/philosophy/delez.asp
2. Deleuze J. Difference and repetition / Deleuze J. Translation from French by N. B. Mankovskaya and E. P. Yurovskaya St. Petersburg: LLP TC "Petropolis", 1998. 384 p.
3. Hume D. Works in 2 volumes. T. I / Hume D. Trans. from English S.I. Tsereteli and others; Entry Art. A. F. Gryaznova; Note I. S. Narsky. 2nd ed., additional and corr. M.: Mysl, 1996. 733 p.
4. Deleuze Gilles. Empiricism and subjectivity: an essay on human nature according to Hume. Kant's critical philosophy: the doctrine of abilities. Bergsonism. Spinoza / Deleuze J. Trans. from French Ya. I. Svirsky. M.: PER SE. 2001. 475 p.
5. Sartre, J-P. Transcendence of the Ego. Sketch of a phenomenological description / Sartre J-P. Per. Kralechkin D. Moscow: Modern, 2011. 160 p.
6. Deleuze J. Lectures on Spinoza 1978-1981 // Deleuze J. Trans. Skuratov B. AdMarginem, 2016. 216 p.
7. Gilles Deleuze “Spinoza: Immortality and Eternity.” Part 1 [Electronic resource] // URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlwthP22TNQ&t=8s