Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the political network of Vietnam with the characteristics of a country with a socialist regime, in which the structure of the political network with the main network nodes includes political parties, the state, socio-political organizations and citizens. The author uses the network structure analysis method to clarify the features of the political network structure in Vietnam. In fact, the policy network approach has not been explored or widely used in studies of the relationships between components of the political system in Vietnam. However, along with the trend of globalization, the development of science and technology and the process of democratization, political participation in Vietnam is also increasingly expanding, with the wide participation of various ingredients. The structure and functioning of the political network in Vietnam have the characteristics of a one-party ruling regime, ensuring that state power belongs to the people through the construction of a socialist rule of law state. Political network approaches help democratic values to be more respected and guaranteed when different actors are involved in political processes. Although there are still limitations in connectivity, resource allocation and recognition of the role of network nodes in the political network in Vietnam, but policy network theory is still becoming a research field in political science that has received much attention and is in line with the development of practice.

political networks, components of a political network, characteristics of a political network, structure of a political network, ways of functioning of political networks, analysis of a political network, Vietnam, socialist regime
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