Rubrics: FINANCE
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of the scientific article of assoc. prof. Popova N.V. "Interest rate risk of bonds in the condition of a changing key rate" published in the journal "Finance: theory and practice" No. 3 2022 is carried out. The relevance of the problem considered and methods for solving it are assessed. The validity of the author's choice of the object of study - the interest rate risk of bonds and the problem being solved - the influence of the term to maturity on the interest rate risk of a bond, as well as the purpose of the study, the novelty and theoretical significance of the results obtained are analyzed. The relevance of the analysis of this article is due to the current state of the Russian bond market, where the conditions for interest rate risk of bonds remain due to an increase in the key interest rate. Article by Popova N.V. is devoted to the problem of the influence of the term to maturity on the interest rate risk of bonds in conditions of a changing key interest rate. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that interest rate risk is the main type of risk of bonds type OFZ popular among Russian investors. At the same time, despite extensive market research on the impact of maturity on the interest rate risk of bonds, the influence of this factor has not been sufficiently considered in theory. It is important in the article the consideration of the reasons for the occurrence of interest rate risk, the main of which are inflation and an increase in the key interest rate, as well as the results of market research of the influence of the term to maturity on the interest rate risk of bonds, where the relationship established in the market between the amount of interest risk and the term to maturity is noted. The mathematical proof obtained in the article of the dependence of the interest rate risk of bonds on term to maturity corresponds to market observations, complements the theory of financial investments with fixed income and can be used to analyze the behavior of interest rate risk of bonds in conditions of a changing key interest rate.

bonds; interest rate risk; key interest rate; term to maturity
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