Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the influence of electromagnetic fields on radiation effects in microcircuits, describes the influence of electromagnetic fields depending on the distance from the center of the explosion, and evaluates the degree of protection of microcircuits. Assessments of the impact of electromagnetic fields created by gamma radiation on CMOS microcircuits are considered, the physical process, a mathematical model of the occurrence of leakage current, charge loss, transistor switching speed and electronic mobility are described. The methods of protecting CMOS semiconductors from the effects of electromagnetic fields are considered: shielding, reducing the power and frequency of radiation, and compensation for the effects. Both the physical basis and the mathematical model of the parameters for shielding are considered: attenuation coefficient and shielding efficiency. The main method of protecting microcircuits from electromagnetic fields is determined using shielding, reducing the power and frequency of radiation, as well as compensating for exposure. The article describes the mathematical and algorithmic models on the basis of which a computer model was built to assess the impact of the electromagnetic field on CMOS semiconductors. The assessment of the reliability of the chip security assessment is based on a computer experiment built using a program written in the C# programming language. The result was data from an analysis of protection from the effects of an electromagnetic field on CMOS semiconductors for distances from the epicenter of the explosion at a distance of 10 to 100 km with a step of 10 km.

Modeling, computer simulation, model, C#, microcircuit, electromagnetic fields, CMOS semiconductors, radiation effects, shielding, power reduction, radiation frequency, impact compensation, attenuation coefficient, shielding efficiency.

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