The article presents an assessment of the demand of non-agricultural activities (rural tourism) on the basis of farming enterprises and households in the Novgorod region. The author recommends carrying out such research in three main areas: from the perspective of the consumer, from the perspective of the economic entity, from the perspective of regional and municipal authorities. For this reason the author gives the recommended structure of feedback forms. The accomplished survey revealed the advantages of non-agricultural activities on the basis of peasant farms enterprises and households to consumers, as well as the conditions for their implementation. The article presents the assessments the independent experts regarding the development of non-agricultural activities of peasant farms and households. Author recommends to involve as the experts the chairmen of committees of agriculture, tourism and culture, economic departments of the municipal administration. Analysis of the demand for non-agricultural activities in the Novgorod region confirmed the attractiveness of rural tourism as relatively inexpensive and a recreational focused of vacation in the countryside. As a result of analysis the most important for consumers the additional services and possibility for their rendering by owners of peasant farm enterprises and households are revealed. In addition, constraining factors in the organization of non-agricultural activities, including a lack of knowledge and skills in rendering tourism services, as well as a lack of funding are disclosed. The research of demand and supply allowed identifying indicators of internal potential and external climate of non-agricultural activities in the region.
non-agricultural activity, peasant farm enterprises, households
В Федеральной целевой программе «Устойчивое развитие сельских территории на 2014–2017 годы и на период до 2020 года» в рамках развития сельских территорий Новгородской области и поддержания сельских жителей рекомендуется развивать на селе несельскохозяйственные (альтернативные) виды экономической деятельности, используя имеющуюся материальную базу крестьянско-фермерских хозяйств (КФХ) и хозяйств населения (ХН). В число несельскохозяйственных (альтернативных) видов деятельности на базе КФХ и ХН входит сельский туризм. Данная проблема рассматривалась в трудах учёных Шарафановой Е.Е., Здорова А.Б., Кучумова А.В., Печерицы Е.В. и др. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].
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