Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of topical issues related to the legal status of public health facilities, such as features of their legal status (standing), legal status structural elements (goals and objectives of medical institutions, their functions, establishment, reorganization and liquidation of medical establishments, guarantees of medical establishments’ rights). On the basis of the current legislation the author provides definitions of “medical treatment”, “legal status of a medical institution”, as well as reveals problems of medical institutions’ performance efficiency. The author shows the possibilities of legal rights in relation to affordable and quality health care, and legal relationships between a patient, a medical professional and a medical facility. The purpose of this article is theoretical understanding of the organizational and legal nature (status) of a modern medical facility under new socio-economic conditions for the development of specific proposals and recommendations aimed at improving the institutional and legal framework to ensure health protection of the Russian population. The author provides some practical recommendations for improving the legal framework in order to ensure the effective performance of medical institutions. The author also reveals problems impeding the improvement of the legal status of medical institutions.

Legal status, medical facilities, medical activities (care), legal status of medical facilities, structural elements of healthcare, the effectiveness of a medical establishment, rights of a medical institution.

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