Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author analyzes the approaches to reforming the institution of occupational safety and health (OSH) in the Russian Federation. The aim of the article is to assess the OSH concept, suggested by WHO, ILO, and EU, from the perspective of necessity and feasibility of its main provisions in the Russian Federation. The research on the change in views on the OSH in light of the new OSH concept allowed determining topical directions of the further development of relations in the field of OSH and formulating the tasks to be solved in perception of the main provisions of the concept. The author highlights problems, which may be solved during the implementation of those tasks, particularly, the problem of application of the systematic, complex and personalized approach to OSH by employers, and the problem of prevention and early detection of occupational diseases, and the problem of creating favorable psychological working environment. The author develops a number of proposals on improving legal regulation in this field after detecting particular legal issues, connected with the change in approach to OSH implementation, and defining possible ways to resolve them.

Occupational safety and health, assessment of working conditions, professional risk, OSH management.

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