Russian Federation
The article discusses the main features of the Law of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) from the point of view of modern international law, its legal nature and place, and functions in the regulation of the Eurasian integration. The article investigates the importance of the Foundation agreement as the international legal basis of the Union and its legal system. The author conducts comparative law analysis of conceptual models of the integration law on the example of the European legal theories of the European Union and Latin American theories of law on regional economic integration. This article gives comprehensive international law characteristics of regulatory definitions and conceptual framework of the EAEU law. The author classifies contractual sources of the Union’s Law and reveals the relationship between them. The author shows the role of secondary sources of the Union’s Law — acts of intergovernmental bodies. The author does not only list the sources enumerated in the EAEU Treaty, but also makes a forecast about the role of other international law acts and norms in the development of the EAEU Law concept. The author draws the conclusion that the Union’s Law is of an international law nature.
Eurasian Economic Union, International organization of regional integration, theories and schools of the European community law, the concept of the Law for Latin American regional economic integration, the Founding Treaty, International agreements within the Union, international treaties of the Union with third parties, decisions and orders of bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union, the acts of the EAEU Court.
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