Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents a methodology for entering an open source project using architectural analysis to develop programming skills and volunteer activities using architectural analysis. The relevance is due to the difficulty of entering into joint projects. As a method for solving this problem, it is proposed to use architectural analysis according to the C4 model. Using the example of the Sahana EDEN software project from the source code repository, the application of this method is described. Interest in this project is due to both its humanitarian goal and the large number of active participants, which makes it a significant example of intellectual volunteering. For each step of the architectural analysis, a detailed description of the results is presented - context, container and component diagrams. An analysis of the repository of an open source project should begin with an overview of the project structure and a study of the description, open questions, rules for making changes, current problems and technical debt. The importance of assessing one's own capabilities through studying the project's coding standards, problems and technical debt is substantiated. The conducted research showed that project work with open source software allows one to improve programming skills in practice, gain experience in joint activities and production communications, which allows us to recommend the comprehensive use of open source projects as an important educational activity for students.

Free software, intelligent volunteering, project activities, technical debt, architectural analysis.

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