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Abstract (English):
The development of digital economy is currently impeded by the complex geopolitical situation, causing negative influence on Russian companies’ IT-infrastructure stability. Given conditions determine the importance of technological products import substitution. The stimulating state policy and digital transformation of business which is based on progressive technologies determine a key role of Russian companies’ digital platforms in the import substitution of technological products. Therefore, the support of technological projects development is provided, the results of which are implemented at micro level or scaled in the form of end-to-end technologies at meso- or macro levels. This article considers approaches to the classification of digital platforms and analyzes the B2B segment services of Sber ecosystem as a platform for the implementation of Russian companies’ technological projects According to the results of the study, the directions of business solutions import substitution have been identified, as well as the development of the architecture model of Sber ecosystem B2B segment which contribute to the successful implementation of companies’ technological projects was developed.

digital platform, import substitution, technological project, endto-end technologies, IT-infrastructure, Sber ecosystem
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