Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results and analysis of the sociological study on "Attitude of faculty members of universities to modern students and technology teaching". The study involved teachers from the Financial University and other universities of the city of Moscow of different age groups. The main questions of the survey questions were compared to modern students and students from twenty-thirty years ago, and the identification of the attitude of teachers to teaching the academic disciplines. Shows some trends in the attitudes of faculty members of universities to modern students. Consider the ratio of teaching staff to the topical problem of educational technology, methods of teaching; teachers ´ attitudes to the changing approaches and technologies of education in the modern University. A comparison of the classical school of teaching and modern (interactive) methods. Revealed a General trend of a positive attitude of teachers to interactive teaching methods, as well as the views of teachers, interactive teaching methods perception and memorization of learning material by students is significantly better than the classical method. Revealed the General trend of the need to present a judicious combination of classical and interactive methods of teaching disciplines in the University. The analysis of the ratio of use of elements of both classic and interactive teaching methods in their personal professional activity of teachers from different universities and different age groups. The peculiarities and tendencies discussed their views on increasing interactive lessons Revealed the opinion of the faculty on the phenomenon of lecturing skills. Highlighted are some influencing factor groups to improve lecturing skills of teachers, in particular the necessity of training courses on methods of teaching and lecturing skills.

student, teacher, educational technology, methods of teaching.

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