Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. Testing of reactor coolant pipe (RCP) weld joints and matters of testing quality ensuring are considered in the article. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the potential of phased array ultrasonic systems for testing of RCP as well as to show capabilities of portable X-ray fluorescence analyzers for composition express analysis of weld joints. Method. Real fragments of RCP weld joints Du580 were chosen for the experiment. Phased array ultrasonic flaw detector OmniScan MX was used as a testing instrument; testing data were analyzed and interpreted with TomoView software. Chemical analysis was fulfilled with PMI Master UVR and Olympus DELTA devices. Results. Fragments of RCP weld joints Du580 have been examined. Chemical analysis results have confirmed that a portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer can be used for determining the main alloying elements. Benefits and drawbacks of phased array ultrasonic testing for RCP weld joints have been revealed; recommendations for time corrected gain adjustment and pulse repetition frequency selection have been given; questions of improvement of testing productivity and quality have been considered. Conclusion. Application of phased array at ultrasonic testing of complex and important objects increases objectivity of the testing results. Using real fragments of reactor coolant pipe as specimens for adjustment makes it possible both to avoid interpretation mistakes and develop detailed testing techniques.

ultrasonic testing, phased array, reactor coolant pipe, specimen, weld joint

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