Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Actuality. Building and further developing a competitive workforce is an ongoing process taking place under certain conditions and driven by both exogenous and endogenous factors. Socio-economic factors, primarily, the standard of living and quality of life of the population, are most important in terms of their impact on the development of an individual’s ability to work. Object. Competitiveness of the workforce, the standard of living and quality of life of the population. Subject. Establishing a theoretical foundation for the competitiveness and quality of the workforce. Regional diff erentiation analysis: By HDI (Human Development Index), GRP (Gross Regional Product), employment rate of the population, income and purchasing power, compensation, expenses, education, healthcare, size and natural movement of the population, housing per capita. Purpose. To defi ne the impact of the standard of living and quality of life of the population on the development of an individual’s ability to work and his/her competitive advantage on the labour market at present. The main provisions of the article. The article proposes parameters exerting direct eff ects on the ratio and development of the competitiveness and quality of the workforce at the regional level. In accordance with the economic and statistical analysis performed, with due regard to the synthetic typology of regions, the article identifi es a range of issues related to the standard of living and quality of life of the population. The article concludes that the quality of life of a signifi cant part of the population in Russia is still low, which has an adverse impact on the development of an individual’s ability to work and his/her competitive advantage on the labour market. The article formulates a proposal for raising competitiveness of the aggregate workforce based on the alignment of the socio-economic development of regions.

workforce, quality, competitiveness, standard of living and quality of life, HCI (Human Capital Index), labour market, region, classifi cation, income, diff erentiation.

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