That we are facing an employment crisis cannot be doubted — and it is equally unquestionable that we are confronted with the simple necessity of ‘creating jobs’. It is also without any doubt that we need to look at employment issues as matter of ‘social security’. However, looking at precarity in the context of the overall political-economic development of national and global economy, urges us to shift attention towards understanding the crisis as one of a macro-economic model that is founded in employment. In this light, the presentation will outline some considerations on major changes.
employment, employment crisis, consequences, creating jobs, social security, precarity, a macroeconomic model, national economy, global economy, political- economy development, major changes.
Th e crisis, approaching slowly but surely its tenth anniversary, highlighted another time the severe and manifest negative consequences of the lack of employment on people’s and peoples’ lives. Talking about people’s and peoples’ lives means that we are facing a problem that concerns nation states and the citizens alike. It has to be added that the problems are really social problems, not just having devastating consequences for the socioeconomic dimension of life but for the entirety of the social as matter of the production and reproduction of daily life. At least in capitalist societies, the entire social fabric had been established on employment as fundamental pillar, being foundation of all dimensions of the social which are outlined according to the social quality theory along the following lines.
However, one of the major problems is that employment itself lost very much its function as a hinge — though it may be asked to which extent such function existed before, it is surely increasingly questionable to see society today as societies based in employment. Both, socio-economic security and inclusion in the widest understanding as well as societal wealth and soci(et)al integrity can be seen as matters linked to employment.
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