Dynamics of grass natural overgrowth in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands during reclamation of hydrodump of the Kursk magnetic anomaly
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Abstract (English):
To improve the conditions for the growth of forest stands on the Berezovy Log Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) has been conducted applying fertile topsoils, filmed during the development of the deposit. The analysis of the natural growth of the hydro dump is necessary for an integrated assessment of the growing conditions. We carried out it before and after planting on a dump of forest stands. Prior to the applying fertile topsoils, the herbaceous vegetation had not settled on the sand. Natural overgrowth began after the applying fertile topsoils on the surface of the hydro dumps. The northern part of the dump became more active in natural overgrowth. Twenty species of herbs belonging to 10 families were found here, numbering 153 pcs/m 2. Four years later, in six-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands, a richer floristic composition was noted. Thirty species of herbaceous plants have been recorded, of which 54% are with short life-span. Herbaceous vegetation during this period is represented mainly by heterogeneous grass, almost total absence of legumes and small participation of Gramineae. In 40-year-old Scots pine stands, 32 species of grass on the edge and 11 species under the canopy of the plantation were considered, belonging to 13 families. The participation of members of the families of Gramineae and Compositae has increased. Herbs compete with forest stands for moisture and nutrients up to the age of clamping. It is concluded that forest reclamation should be started immediately after fertile application.

post-technogenic areas, forest stands, Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L., hydrodump, herbaceous vegetation, natural overgrowth, forest reclamation
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