Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper discusses the main aspects of the harmful effects of road transport. The main criteria for evaluating the environmental performance of cars, and methods of controlling pollutants from emissions and directions for further development of road transport

harmful substances, vehicles, exhaust gases, the atmosphere, the exhaust gases

1. Aksenov V. A., Popova E. P., D ivochkin O. A. Ekonomicheskaya effektivnost´ ratsional´noy organizatsii dorozhnogo dvizheniya [Tekst]. - M.: Transport, 1987.

2. Raschetnaya instruktsiya (metodika) po inventarizatsii vybrosov zagryaznyayushchikh veshchestv ot avtotransportnykh sredstv na territorii krupneyshikh gorodov. - M.: Avtopolyus-plyus, 2008. - 78 s. ISBN: 978-5-9670-0042-3

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