Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the development of scenarios for the formation and representation of images of the digital future in mass consciousness. In this study, the authors understand the image of the future as a subjective formative model of reality, on the basis of which not only the formation of ideas and assumptions about the future occurs, but also the corresponding models of mass behavior are formed. The methodological basis of this study is discourse analysis, critical analysis, case study, and scenario techniques. Identifying the key actors in shaping the images of the digital future in the public space and their subsequent representation in mass consciousness, the authors single out spontaneous, mosaic, sovereign, impulsive, transnational, and artificial scenarios. Based on the results of the study, the authors conclude that in order to ensure consistent, consolidated, and harmonious development of the modern state and society in the context of current digital transformations, the greatest potential has a pro-social image of the digital future, built on the basis of the traditional value system of a particular society and considering the interests between individuals, the state, and society. A key factor for success in addressing this task is digital sovereignty of the state, striving to defend its national interests in the present and project them into the future. Additionally, it relies on national elites capable of formulating these goals and interests in a way that maintains a balance among the vital interests of individuals, society, and the state.

image of the digital future, representation of the future, construction of the future image, digital sovereignty, mass consciousness, socio-political relations, public space
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