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Abstract (English):
Purpose. Studying of necessity investment potential forming for industrial enterprise’s financial development in the Tula region and international market. Tasks: - studying of investment and investment potential meaning; - researching of investment potential influence on industrial enterprise’s financial development; - main factors’ forming of industrial enterprise’s activity development in the Tula region and international financial market. Methods. Investment attractiveness’ changing of Center federal district’s regions and including Tula region studies in the article. It is paid attention for analysis of investment attractiveness’ changing in the years, also a comparison is being made investment attractiveness’ positions of different Russian Federation regions. Besides it is analyzed investment attractiveness’ financial development possibility and ability to international market for financial relationships with another enterprise. Results. It is conducted analysis investment potential’s influence on Tula region industrial enterprises’ financial development. It is identified that Tula region investment attractiveness didn’t change in 2023 year. It is mined that industrial enterprises work effectively. It is emphasized, that Tula region industrial enterprises’ investment attractiveness’ changing can depend on financial resources’ changing, which is provided this enterprise’s financial development. Also it is established Tula region industrial enterprises’ financial development’s limitations and problems in the national and international market. It is identified that investment strategy forms necessary for industrial enterprise’s quit to the international market. Conclusions. Tula region industrial enterprise’s investment potential can develop in case free financial resources. Tula region industrial enterprise can quit to new markets and international market. Industrial enterprise can realize financial development and increase competitiveness position with another enterprise in financial relationships in the international market.

potential, investment potential, industrial enterprise development, international financial market, financial resources
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