The article analyzes the complications requiring re-operations in patients with a previous correction of congenital valve defects. Indications for re-operations, their short term results are considered. The methods of estimating residual hemodynamic disorders of prosthetic valves from inspection of these changes in operating room at the end of cardio-pulmonary bypass to estimate the function of the prosthetic valve at discharge from hospital are discussed. The article focuses on the problem of choice of exact tactics in various complications after primary correction of aortic, mitral and tricuspid heart valves. Because the choice of method and time of primary correction often affects long-term results and determines the necessity of valve replacement. The authors consider an infective endocarditis as one of the significant causes for re-operations. The study demon-strates good immediate and long term results of re-operations in a given group of patients. It allows the authors to attribute their conclusions to practical recommendations for cardiovascular surgeons, dealing with congenital heart defects.
aortic valve, mitral valve, prosthetic valve, valve replacement, re-operation, infective endocarditis.
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