UDK 519.21 Теория вероятностей и случайные процессы
The article considers an approach to solving the problem of improving the indicators characterizing the state of the educational group of a modern university, which is currently difficult to imagine without the use of systems operating on the basis of mathematical models of SED. The elements of assessing approaches to improving the effectiveness of management decision-making are considered, which cannot always be characterized quantitatively. To increase the effectiveness of the R&D, it is proposed to use methods and tools that implement a quantitative assessment of the state of the management system, which is able to justify the decision made. When modeling managerial decision-making in complex organizational systems of law enforcement agencies, a conceptual approach is proposed that is based on situational modeling and provides information to the decision-maker in this system about his current state. Based on this situational information, the decision-maker will make recommendations in the interests of situational management and ensure its adaptation to real needs. The situational approach uses a set-theoretic representation of models, which will allow combining the spatial and structural interpretation of this model. Determining the relationships between employees in complex organizational systems of law enforcement agencies will allow you to link tasks with employees based on input-output information flows using a multi-criteria assessment of alternative.
Complex organizational systems of power structures; objective and subjective parameters; situational modeling; operations research; systematic approach; set-theoretic approach; zero-unit matrix, multi-criteria assessment of alternatives.
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