Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the technology for integrating Caliber into the Cadence Virtuoso environment and describes the impact of this integration on the productivity of engineers. The possibility of ensuring optimal interaction between developers and increasing the overall efficiency of the design team is considered, leading to end-to-end design optimization. The integration of Caliber and Cadence Virtuoso represents an important step in Electronic Design Development (EDA) and can solve a number of problems while improving the efficiency of the verification and analysis process. Here are a few aspects that demonstrate the need and benefits of such integration, data interoperability, ensuring that information received from Virtuoso can be used correctly and efficiently in Caliber and vice versa, automating the data transfer process and performing verification, speeding up all development cycles, verification can carry out, even in the early stages of design, smoother interaction between different teams using Virtuoso and Caliber. In the second part of the article, physical verification and extraction of the project is carried out using the graphical interface of the Mentor Graphics Caliber CAD system, where the topology is checked for compliance with the CTO (DRC check). For the DRC check of a project, check is performed using the Caliber application. Using Caliber in Cadence Virtuoso allows for more accurate verification of designed electronic circuits and microchips. Caliber provides deeper analysis of physical parameters such as layer compatibility, electrical and geometric rules, leading to the identification of potential problems earlier in development.

Integration, Caliber, Cadence Virtuoso, verification, Mentor Graphics Caliber CAD graphical interface, artificial intelligence.

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