Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of reliability of fire protection systems at the production stage and at the design stage is considered. Mathematical modeling of processes aimed at ensuring the safe evacuation of people in case of fire, taking into account the coefficient of compliance of the technical solution used in the methodology for calculating the amount of individual fire risk. The structural constructions of fire protection systems are analyzed with a demonstration of methods for assessing the reliability and structural significance of various structural constructions of fire protection systems on the basis and example of statistical data. To determine the coefficient of compliance of the fire alarm system, in the form of probabilities of effective operation of the fire alarm system, the following parameters are taken into account: the probability of effective operation of the fire alarm system, smoke protection system, and emergency warning system. The performance statistics of the SOUE for the period from 2013 to 2021 are graphically shown. It is shown that the resulting probability of effective operation of the SPS is determined by the structural design, and the corresponding formulas and examples are given. The dependences of the efficiency of the functioning of the SPZ on the efficiency of the SOUE for various structural arrangements have been constructed. Dependencies of the performance of the SDR were constructed based on statistical data. Analytical and graphical dependences of the reliability of the SOUE on the reliability of the SPS for various structural constructions are derived. Depending on the task being solved, the reliability (as well as efficiency) of the fire protection system can be controlled, while the reliability of the fire safety protection system can be determined depending on the required fire risk. Thus, one of the most important measures that minimizes individual risk should be considered to be increasing the efficiency of each of the subsystems included in the SDR, including the SOUE, as well as optimizing the structural design of the SDR.

Mathematical modeling, probability of effective operation of warning systems and management of evacuation of people in case of fire SOUE, minimizing the amount of individual fire risk, reliability and significance of the fire protection system, compliance coefficient of SOUE.

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