Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to restore the vision of S.Y. Witte's activity through the views of representatives of the Russian sophological thought. The article is prepared in accordance with the approaches that have developed within the framework of the direction of intellectual history. Noting the importance of transformations in the country, thinkers noted the need to prepare a platform for these transformations. The beginning should be laid in the fight against the bureaucratic system. The reforms of Sergei Yulievich Witte did not solve all the urgent problems and were to a certain extent half-hearted. Further transformations are possible only with the formation of the people's representation, which will take an active part in the reform life of the country. At the same time, reform initiatives should come from the throne. Representatives of the sophological direction disagreed with S.Y. Witte, while offering their own way of reforming the country.

russian sophologists; reform activity; bureaucratic-police absolutism; economic reforms; bureaucracy�
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