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Abstract (English):
Anemia is a common complication of both oncopathology itself and ongoing drug and chemoradiotherapy. Anemia not only worsens the quality of life of patients, but also negatively affects the effectiveness of specific treatment and patient survival rates. The frequency of anemia varies from 20 to 90% depending on the nosology, the stage of the disease, and the antitumor treatment being carried out. In cancer patients, anemia has a complex origin and can be caused by various reasons. As a rule, there are a number of factors at once, among which the suppressive effect of proinflammatory cytokines on erythropoiesis, synthesis of endogenous erythropoietin, sensitivity of erythropoietin receptors, as well as increased formation of hepcidin with the development of functional iron deficiency prevail. A detailed understanding of the pathogenesis of anemia caused by a tumor or chronic disease will allow the clinician to build a competent tactic for correcting the anemia syndrome, which will timely prevent the development of clinical symptoms and aggravation of the severity of the cancer patient's condition.

anemia, malignant neoplasms, iron deficiency, erythropoietins, iron preparations.

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16. Bryer E, Henry D. Chemotherapy-induced anemia: etiology, pathphysiology, and implications for contemroporary practis. International Journal of Clinical Transfusion Medicine. 2018;6:21-31.

17. Busti F, Marchi G, Ugolini S, et al Anemia and Iron Deficiency in Cancer Patients: Role of Iron Replacement Therapy. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2018;11(4):94.

18. Girelli D, Ugolini S, Busti F, et al. Modern iron replacement therapy: Clinical and pathophysiological insights. Int J Hematol. 2018;107(1):16-30.

19. Nairz M, Dichtl S, Schroll A, et al. Iron and innate antimicrobial immunity-depriving the pathogen, defending the host. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2018;48:118-33.

20. Radziwon P, Krzakowski M, Kalinka-Warzocha E. Anemia in cancer patientsexpert group recommendations. Oncol Clin Pract. 2017;13(5):202-10.

21. Rodgers GM, Gilreath JA. The role of intravenous iron in the treatment of anemia associated with cancer and chemotherapy. Acta Hematol. 2019;142(1)

22. Blindar V.N., Dobrovolskaya M.M., Davydova T.V., Sytov A.V. Features of anemic syndrome in oncological patients with sepsis //Zlokachestvenniye opukholi. 2020. Vol. 10, No. 3. p. 127.

23. Blindar V.N., Zubrikhina G.N., Davydova T.V., etc. Features of iron metabolism in breast cancer patients before adjuvant chemotherapy // Rossiyskiy biotherapevticheskiy journal. 2022. Vol. 21. pp.33-41.

24. Blindar V.N., Khagazheeva M.N., Davydova T.V., et al. Diagnosis and treatment of anemic syndrome in patients with breast cancer on the background of neoadjuvant chemotherapy // Rossiyskiy biotherapevticheskiy journal. 2021. Vol. 20. pp. 42-52.

25. Gozzard D. When is saturation with high doses of intravenous iron required? Evaluation of new treatment methods // Akusherstvo i Gynecologiya: News. Opinions. Training. 2014. No. 4. pp. 105-115.

26. Gorokhovskaya G.N., Petina M.M. Anemia in malignant neoplasms: principles of therapy //Clinicheskaya oncologiya. 2013. Vol. 13, No. 2. pp. 17-21.

27. Zubrikhina G.N., Blindar V.N., Matveeva I.I. Differential diagnosis of anemic syndrome with a true iron deficiency and functional iron deficiency in patients with chronic diseases (malignant neoplasms) //Therapevticheskiy archiv. 2016. No. 4. pp. 61-67.

28. Kondratieva O.E., Abramov M.E., Vyshinskaya G.V., et al. The role of erythropoietins in the treatment of cancer patients // Meditsinskiy sovet. 2018. No.10. pp. 134-139.

29. Kulibaba T.G., Pchelin I.Yu., Slepykh L.A. Features of anemic syndrome in oncological patients //Juvenis scientia. 2018. No.9. pp. 10-16.

30. Moiseev S.V. Anemia in oncological diseases // Oncologiya. Journal named after P.A. Herzen. 2012. Vol. 1, No. 1. pp. 77-82.

31. Orlova R.V., Gladkov O.A., Kutukova S.I., etc. Practical recommendations for the treatment of anemia in malignant neoplasms // Zlokachestvenniye opukholi: Practical recommendations RUSSCO. 2022, Vol. 12. pp. 19-25.

32. Ptushkin V.V. Anemia and iron deficiency in cancer patients // Clinicheskaya oncohematologiya. Fundamental research and clinical practice". 2013. Vol. 6, No. 1. pp. 91-96.

33. Romanenko N.A., Bessmeltsev S.S., Alborov A.E., et al. Aspects of the pathogenesis of anemia in oncological patients // Kazanskiy meditsinskiy journal. 2019. Vol.100, No.6. pp. 950-957.

34. Snegovoy A.V., Larionova V.B., Manzyuk L.V., Kononenko I.B. Anemia in oncology: modern possibilities of supportive therapy // Clinicheskaya oncohematologiya. Basic research and clinical practice. 2016. Vol. 9, No. 3. pp. 326-335.

35. Khagazheeva M.N., Snegovoy A.V., Blindar V.N., et al. The role of hepcidin 25 in the development of anemic syndrome associated with malignant diseases // Rossiyskiy biotherapevticheskiy journal. 2020, Vol. 19. pp. 29-34.

36. Shevchenko Yu.A., Melnichenko V.Ya., Fedorenko D.A. Anemic syndrome in clinical practice: principles of diagnosis // Archiv vnutrenney mediciny. 2012. No. 1 (3). pp. 59-63.

37. Bryer E, Henry D. Chemotherapy-induced anemia: etiology, pathphysiology, and implications for contemroporary practis. International Journal of Clinical Transfusion Medicine. 2018;6:21-31.

38. Busti F, Marchi G, Ugolini S, et al. Anemia and Iron Deficiency in Cancer Patients: Role of Iron Replacement Therapy. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2018;11(4):94.

39. Girelli D, Ugolini S, Busti F, et al. Modern iron replacement therapy: Clinical and pathophysiological insights. Int J Hematol. 2018;107(1):16-30.

40. Nairz M, Dichtl S, Schroll A, et al. Iron and innate antimicrobial immunity-depriving the pathogen, defending the host. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2018;48:118-33.

41. Radziwon P, Krzakowski M, Kalinka-Warzocha E. Anemia in cancer patientsexpert group recommendations. Oncol Clin Pract. 2017;13(5):202-10.

42. Rodgers GM, Gilreath JA. The role of intravenous iron in the treatment of anemia associated with cancer and chemotherapy. Acta Hematol. 2019;142(1):13-20.

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