Rules of blood sampling for laboratory tests
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
There are rules that are mandatory when taking biological material for laboratory research. For the results of the study, not only the age, gender, race of the patient, factors of biological variation are important, but also the time of blood collection, physical activity, emotional state, the use of certain products, pharmacological preparations and biological additives. Analysis of a sample taken with a violation may be more dangerous for the patient than the absence of a study. This is fraught with incorrect tactics of the doctor when monitoring the course and pharmacotherapy of an already known disease and diagnostic errors in primary and / or differential diagnosis.

laboratory process, analytical stages, laboratory studies, factors of biological variation, state standard

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2. «Gormonal'nye issledovaniya i ih interpretaciya v praktike vracha akushera-ginekologa» pod redakciey professora M.I. Yarmolinskoy, izdatel'skaya gruppa « GEOTAR-Media», 2023

3. Gil'manov A.Zh. «Preanaliticheskiy etap laboratornyh issledovaniy i ego standartizaciya», Kafedra laboratornoy diagnostiki IPO Bashkirskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo universiteta ,g. Ufa

4. GOST R 53079.4-2008 «Tehnologii medicinskie laboratornye. Obespechenie kachestva klinicheskih laboratornyh issledovaniy. Chast' 4. Pravila vedeniya preanaliticheskogo etapa». Vveden v deystvie s 01.01.2010.

5. ISO 15189:2012 «Laboratorii medicinskie. Trebovaniya k kachestvu i kompetentnosti».

6. GOST 53079.4-2088 «Obespechenie kachestva klinicheskih laboratornyh issledovaniy. Chast' 3. Pravila vzaimodeystviya personala klinicheskih podrazdeleniy i kliniko-diagnosticheskih laboratoriy medicinskih organizaciy pri vypolnenii klinicheskih laboratornyh issledovaniy».

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