Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the methodology and mechanisms of innovative type of socioeconomic development, taking into account the influence of the institutional environment. On the basis of the previously proposed dynamic model of innovative development, the mechanisms of mutual influence of direct and reverse social connections are considered. A fundamental model of such interaction and mutual influence is proposed, since the use of purely mathematical, both deterministic and stochastic methods to describe such a relationship is no longer acceptable. The features of the Russian institutional realities are analyzed from the point of view of the mechanisms of intensification of reverse social ties, depending on a particular state of the institutional environment. The justification of the proposed model is based on an empirical analysis, in particular, of the events of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Great Patriotic War. It is concluded that there is an ambiguous dialectical connection between the institutional environment and specific forms of institutional logics. Although there is no deterministic, objective connection between the state of the institutional environment and the success of innovative development, but such a connection definitely exist, but are selectively realized due to subjective factors. It is concluded that the logic and dialectics of the historical process give the right to assert that elements of totalitarianism on one scale or another will inevitably be present in all the actions of people. Today, their manifestation in the social, ideological and legal life of social formations should be considered not as an evolutionary atavism, but as a necessary and historically natural element that ensures the survival of human society in the fight against its own negative excesses and objective external natural transformations.

social relations, innovative activity, institutional environment, institutional logic, direct and feedback, external effect, diplomacy, military actions, corruption, totalitarianism, dialectics
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