Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is made in line with the discussion of the problems of speech genre studies. The main problem that the author is trying to solve is the development of a model for describing the source of the genre. At the same time, the concepts are introduced: the source of the genre. The relevance of the research is connected with the development of a methodology for carrying out procedures for describing the source of the genre according to a communicative model. The article proves the idea of correlation between the phenomena of the external communicative environment and the internal content of the source. Consequently, there is a need to reflect the external (extra-verbal, relational information) characteristics of the source in the communicative model of the speech product. So, the addressee factor (age, gender) or the time factor (date) can mark the information of the internal content of the source. Fixation and conceptual elaboration of the methodology for including certain signs of the external situation during certification allows us to construct an objective model of a typical speech work. The identification of conditionalities between external (communicative) and internal (linguistic) features of an utterance allows us to formulate hypotheses of speech genre studies and to identify problematic areas of functioning of the speech genre, which is the purpose of the source description. The article traces the relationship and interdependence of non-verbal (situational) phenomena and internal components of the utterance. The methods of identifying information about the non-verbal component of an utterance, which plays a communicative role in the model of a typical utterance, are considered.

communicative model; communicative situation; modeling, speech genre; genre source; internal criticism of the source; external criticism of the source.
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