Russian Federation
from 01.01.2023 until now
Russian Federation
UDK 332.1 Региональная экономика. Территориальная экономика
UDK 69.003 Экономика строительства
UDK 721.02 Методы работы при проектировании. Вспомогательные средства и принадлежности
Currently, the importance of building information modeling (BIM) technologies is increasing in the development of the construction industry in the Russian Federation. The use of BIM technologies makes it possible to achieve a higher level of quality management of investment and construction projects at each stage of their life cycle, as well as optimize the timing of construction work, which leads to cost savings and increased return on investment. The main factors encouraging companies to implement BIM in the Russian Federation are improving the quality of projects, meeting customer requirements and attracting new market participants. From 2022, the use of BIM technologies will become mandatory for government projects in connection with the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 331 of March 5, 2021. This fact indicates the interest of the state in the early introduction of information modeling technologies in the construction industry. The impact of BIM technologies on construction extends to other industries. The purpose of this article is to study the impact of information modeling on the economy of the real estate sector.
BIM technologies; investments in construction, information technologies in construction, information modeling of objects
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