Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Studies show that the low involvement of private investors in the Russian securities market and the risk of disappointment for novice investors are explained by the low level of financial literacy. Often people do not understand the essence of the tool and how it works. In this regard, the works devoted to the study of the investment properties of bonds can contribute to improving the financial literacy of beginners and future market participants. This article is devoted to the analysis of a series of articles by Ph.D. N.V. Popova (Phys.-Math. Sciences) devoted to the study of the properties of financial instruments without credit risk, such as federal loan bonds (OFZ), popular among Russian investors. A series of articles prepared in the course of teaching the discipline "Mathematical Methods of Financial Analysis". The discipline, developed on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach at the Department of Higher Mathematics of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, is devoted to the study of investments under certainty. The articles contain formulations and mathematical proofs of the investment properties of bonds that were previously absent in the literature, as well as the author's conclusions about the role of applied mathematical disciplines in an economic university and and improving the financial literacy of students. The analysis of articles presented in this paper may be of interest to specialists in the field of investments and teachers involved in improving financial literacy.

financial literacy of the population, bonds, interdisciplinary courses
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