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Abstract (English):
The article reveals the possibility and risks of using neural networks when forming project teams. The authors propose the following areas of application of neural networks in project implementation: classification, selection of projects; analysis of counterparties (contractors); project performance assessment; predicting project performance; labor productivity assessment; predicting the time required to perform intellectual work; predicting the likelihood of project escalation (that is, a situation in which the project will grow, require more and more resources and cannot be completed in principle); forecasting project duration; project cost forecasting; project schedule management; forecasting the cost of risks; assessing the likelihood of successful completion of the project. But as a new direction, it is proposed to consider the use of neural networks when forming project teams. The formation of project teams is considered by the authors of the article as a complex process that includes defining the goals and objectives of the project, analyzing the requirements for the skills and experience of team members, selecting candidates and assigning roles. The authors propose using neural networks as an innovative tool.

project team, artificial intelligence, neural networks, the capabilities of neural networks in the formation of project teams, the risks of neural networks in the formation of project teams
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