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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the issues of conflict in social relations that arise in various spheres of human communication, in particular in innovative activities within the framework of the economy of shared consumption. The postulate of compensation for mental maladaptation of the individual through its social dominance is put forward. The reasons for such maladaptation, its forms, as well as the origins of its occurrence are considered. On the basis of an empirical analysis of the youth and industrial biographies of representatives of the post-war generation, the formation of whose personalities took place in similar social conditions, but with different features of family education, the patterns of manifestation of tendencies to social dominance are revealed. Management approaches to the formation of creative groups engaged in innovative activities are proposed in order to minimize codependency between the members of such groups and activate individuality in them by eliminating social dominance and involving group members with various mental imbalances in the innovative creative process.

social relations, innovative activity, mental maladjustment, social domination, social conflicts, compensation, postulation, inclusion, personality formation, personnel strategies, the economy of sharing, empirical analysis
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