Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A large number of paradoxes one way or another related to quantum mechanics encourages the scientific community to continue searching for their solutions. The question, however, is in which direction these searches should be continued: to follow in the wake of the ideas expressed by the creators of quantum mechanics or to look for new non-trivial paths. To solve the paradoxes of quantum mechanics, the article uses the recently developed concept of space-time duality, within which the concept of a phenomenal probability wave was introduced. It is shown that the resulting formal violation of the principle of causal closure of the physical is a consequence of a special type of causality: the causality of choice. Using the example of Buridan's donkey paradox, it was noted that the existing paradoxical interpretations of quantum mechanical effects may be based on methodological errors in system analysis. From the standpoint of the concept of space-time duality, a consistent and clear interpretation of the three most important paradoxes of quantum mechanics is given: the double-slit experiment, the EPR paradox, and Zeno’s quantum paradox.

space, time, paradox, probability, discreteness, quantum mechanics
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