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Abstract (English):
In the context of the review of key religious, cultural and political events in the history of Russia in 1682–1750 and modern Russia during the last 42 years (in the period 1980–1990 and 1990 to the present), according to data of the National Corpus of Russian a comparison is done of the frequency of the typical Christian notions in Russian. In the pointed temporal intervals among the Christian notions confessional main concepts are identified in Russian existing due to Orthodox Christianity and having the highest frequency, and the features of the dynamics of frequency of the identified religious concepts in 1980–1990 are considered in comparison with the retrospective epoch of 1682–1750, as well as of 1990–2023 in Russian language communicative discourse. The changes in the hierarchy in the religious concept sphere and the dynamics of the frequency of Christian notions in the pointed temporal intervals of Russian are interpreted.

notion, concept, religious concept, religious concept sphere, language picture of the world, communicative, National Corpus of Russian, Russian
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