Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes the fundamental principles and practices of the study of management accounting, highlighting its essence, goals and unique characteristics. Supported by the points of view of various researchers, the author comes to original conclusions that enrich the understanding of this key process in the business environment. Special attention is paid to management accounting as an integral part of the broad context of integrated accounting. This approach is also discussed in detail in the article, focusing on improving the efficiency and reliability of information obtained through this method. The main purpose of this study is to identify the main points of view on the concept of integrated accounting and its components, including financial, tax and management accounting. To achieve this goal, various basic methods are used, such as logical generalization, analysis and information collection. These methods allow us to identify differences in views that are characteristic of various researchers who have considered the issue of management accounting. Special attention is also paid to the distinction between the concepts of integrated accounting and integrated reporting. The article also analyzes the most effective approaches to accounting, aimed at achieving maximum savings in time and resources while ensuring data accuracy. It should be emphasized that this analysis focuses on the importance of reporting, management accounting and integrated accounting in the context of the functioning of enterprises.

industry, industrial enterprises, financing, financing problems, financing factors
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