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Abstract (English):
The article highlights the main trends in the innovative development of the Russian real estate market, which have emerged under the influence of the introduction of digitalization. It is shown that at present the real estate market is undergoing significant changes, moving to a new qualitative state. This is due to the emergence and introduction of innovative construction technologies, the global change in the types of urbanization, changes in the social requirements of the population, the improvement of legislative and organizational support for the functioning of the real estate market and, above all, the widespread use of digital technologies. The analysis of digital services used in the Russian real estate market is carried out. It is determined that a significant number of operations are involved in the process of managing real estate and infrastructure, which are subject to transformation and optimization through the use of innovative digital technologies. The existing problems of digitalization of the real estate market have been clarified and the key directions of their solution have been identified. It is concluded that digitalization will lead to a change in the behavior of all participants in the real estate market real estate market developers, sellers, tenants, agents, property owners. As a result, the real estate market will become more open and transparent.

economy, sectoral economy, digitalization, innovation, real estate market
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