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Abstract (English):
Reduction of the cost of manufactured products (works, services) as a way to increase financial results, it has always been an attractive, but difficult-to-achieve goal for economic entities. This indicator is influenced not only by internal factors that depend on the enterprise, but also by external factors that affect its activities. Since 2020, such factors have been the unstable economic situation in Russia and the world as a whole, bans, restrictions, inflation, market instability, rising prices for resources, etc. Accordingly, in order to maintain competitiveness and its position in the market, to increase financial results, serious work should be carried out to reduce the cost of production due to internal factors controlled by the economic entity. This work is devoted to substantiating the importance of conducting a competent economic analysis to identify the main directions of reducing the cost of manufactured products (works, services) in the current economic realities. The results of the study can be used for further study of anti-crisis management measures of economic entities.

economic analysis, cost, products, competitiveness, costs
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