from 01.01.2022 until now
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The Scandinavian countries are a rather discrete group among the countries of Europe, having close internal cultural, historical and economic ties, expressed, among other things, in legislation and legal doctrine. Thus, despite the fact that the Scandinavian countries generally belong to the European legal tradition of criminal proceedings, distinctive national features remain in their legal order, the generalization of which confirms the thesis about the possibility of a separate consideration of their experience. The article examines the commission to trial in the Scandinavian countries on the example of Norway, Sweden and Finland. The choice of these countries is due to both the general features of the regulation of criminal procedural relations and the peculiarities of building the commission to trial institution. It is concluded that in all the countries considered, the judge is endowed with broad powers to check the received criminal case for the possibility of its continuous consideration during the trial and the possibility of sentencing, however, judge exercises these powers dispositively and uses the most procedurally expensive of them only in preparation for trial in complex criminal cases. A large degree of dispositivity is also available to the prosecutor, who is not obliged to send a criminal case to the court even if there are formal grounds for that, and can recognize the transfer of a criminal case to the court as inappropriate and assign criminal liability measures in the form of an optional penalty writ, or without its appointment. At the same time, the manifestations of these discretionary powers of the prosecutor in the Scandinavian countries considered are quite extensive and variable. At the same time, the noted commonality of the analyzed group of countries does not exclude some features of criminal procedure regulation, which are also analyzed in the article.
commission to trial, Scandinavia, criminal proceedings of foreign countries, criminal justice system, Norway, Sweden, Finland
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