Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses issues related to the design of tools for shaping surfaces of complex shapes, characteristic of modern engineering production. Often, designers take the path of increasing the degree of curvature of the surfaces of parts in order to improve their strength, ergonomic and aesthetic properties. The analysis carried out by the authors shows the presence of significant problems when processing such surfaces using traditional shaping methods. The authors state that in some cases it is advisable to use electrical non-contact methods for processing such surfaces. In this regard, the article provides an analysis of the features of digital design of technological equipment using modern computer-aided design systems. The author's approach to the design and manufacture of an electrode-tool is proposed, taking into account its wear during operation for the formation of curved surfaces using electrical processing methods. The authors have disclosed a technique for digital modeling and setting tool parameters based on programmable dependencies associated both with the nature of the removal of a layer of material due to the influence of an electric field in the processing zone, and with the features of manufacturing the tool using additive technologies with subsequent metallization of the working surfaces of the tool.

Electrophysical-chemical processing, shaped surfaces, combined tools, computer modeling, computer-aided design systems

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