Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of improving the intelligibility of the sound signal of the sounder, taking into account the background noise and noise interference, is considered. Mathematical modeling of processes in the sound field of premises is carried out taking into account the influence on the intelligibility of the speech signal of the structure of the sound field formed by speech fire alarms. The important components of the structure of the sound field formed by speech fire alarms, which affect the intelligibility of the speech signal, are considered. The modeling takes into account the level of background noise, which can complicate the audibility of speech and reduce its quality. It is also taken into account that the direct sound and the reflected component are parts of the sound field and affect the overall structure of the sound environment. The structure of the sound field is represented graphically. Mathematical models are given to determine the density of sound energy. The figures show a scheme for calculating interference and useful components of the sound field during the operation of one sounder, as well as graphs of the useful signal and interference that occur during the operation of three sounders. A general approach to determining the useful signal and interference from three alerts is considered. The considered approach to the evaluation of the structure of the sound field used in the software package makes it possible to clearly divide the incoming sound signals into useful components and interference, and it can also be useful in various fields.

Mathematical modeling, structure of the sound field of premises, speech fire alerts, intelligibility of the speech signal, sound energy density, direct sound, reflected energy, background noise

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