Geopolitical and geo-economic changes have an impact on financial markets, macroeconomic stability and economic development of countries. In such circumstances, states need to develop effective strategies and measures to ensure financial security. One of the aspects that should be taken into account is geofinance risks. They are caused by global economic shifts, such as changes in trade and economic relations between countries, the introduction of sanctions, financial crises, etc. Many States depend on global trade and investment, and the loss of stability in the international financial market can have serious consequences for their financial system and the economy as a whole. Another factor is regionalization. Many countries are increasing economic ties within the framework of regional blocs and associations. This can be useful for stimulating trade and economic growth, but at the same time creates new financial risks. The article examines the development of trends in globalization and regionalization, as well as the role of the Russian Federation in regional associations.
financial security, financial risks, regionalization, global economic shifts, financial crises, sanctions, regional blocs
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