Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the relationship and interdependence of the main vectors of development of international trade and policy in the monetary sphere. It is noted that despite the general state of uncertainty characteristic of the last three years, starting from the era of covid, the future development of international economic relations will be determined by the dual impact of digitalization processes, including finance, and the climate agenda. Separately, the impact on the current state of international trade of the spread of the platform infrastructure created by the digital giants of the Megacap - 8 group, as well as the activities of mega-global financial corporations, is considered. Particular emphasis is placed on the ambiguity of the consequences of the widespread use of blockchain technology, the positive aspects of which are certainly recognized. It is concluded that the modern transformation of the field of finance and monetary policy is becoming one of the most important factors influencing the course of world trade. However, given that the results of this impact are still unclear, the main direction of the policy of states and international organizations should be to combine efforts to create acceptable regulatory mechanisms.

international trade, digitalization, monetary policy, finance, uncertainty, digital currencies, blockchain
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