Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the main changes in the car are required to participate and create a competitive machine.

setting, motorsport, tuning

1. Omologatsionnaya forma Lada 11196 №A-5723 / Mezhdunarodnaya avtomobil´naya federatsiya (FIA), 2008. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.ralliklub.rf/bitrix/components/bitrix/ fo-rum.interface/show_file.php?fid=15869&action/.

2. Tekhnicheskie trebovaniya k avtomobilyam dlya krossa i ralli-krossa. RAF, 2013. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.raf.su/kross/tt-kross?download=811:tekhnicheskie-trebovaniya-k-avtomobilyam-dlya-krossa-i-ralli-krossa.

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