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Abstract (English):
The problem of a healthy lifestyle is relevant and concerns a wide range of people around the world. In modern society, we observe how many people, sometimes without even thinking, endanger their precious health. They, as it were, "burn through" health reserves, not following the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle. This problem covers different aspects of life. Many modern people devote too little time to physical activity due to a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to physical weakness and ill-ness. They also often neglect a proper and balanced diet, consuming harmful foods, which can cause serious health problems. In addition, the desire for success and high results in work some-times leads to chronic stress and lack of sleep, which negatively affects the overall health. It is im-portant to understand that following simple but important principles of a healthy lifestyle, such as regular physical activity, proper nutrition, adequate rest and stress management, can significantly improve the quality of life and prolong it. Taking care of our health is an investment in the future, which will allow us to enjoy every new day of our long and cloudless life

healthy lifestyle, hygiene, physical activity, nutrition, work and rest regime, absence of bad habits, hardening
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