Formation of the structural and functional organization of young stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) of mixed artificial and natural origin in the condi-tions of berry pine forests of and forb pine forests of the Middle Urals
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Abstract (English):
Restoration of forests, the study of the processes of formation of their structure and productivity, is currently one of the most urgent tasks. The features of the formation of 12-year-old forest plantations and the concomitant natural regeneration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were studied under the conditions of berry pine forest and forb pine forest of the Middle Urals, on trial plots established in accordance with the existing requirements. For each Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) tree, the diameter at the middle height and height were measured, and the volume of the trunk in the bark was calculated. The rank distribution of trees was carried out by calculating their reduction numbers, determining the amplitude of the reduction numbers and subsequent distribution into 5 main classes. In the 12th year after planting, the survival rate in the berry pine forest was 47.0%, and in the forb pine forest - 35.3%. In the berry pine forest, taking into account the concomitant natural regeneration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), a pine forest of artificial and natural origin is being formed, and in the forb pine forest, a pine forest of natural and artificial origin is being formed. The process of natural renewal of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) took place over several years. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees of natural origin are 2-7 years younger in biological age than trees of artificial origin. Pine trees of artificial origin in the berry pine forest significantly exceed the average diameter at the middle of the height, height and trunk volume of the same trees in the forb pine forest. Pine trees of natural origin in the berry pine forest are significantly superior in average diameter at the middle of the height to trees in the forb pine forest, but they are significantly inferior to them in the average trunk height and practically do not differ in the average volume of the tree trunk. Trees of artificial origin in terms of diameter at the middle of the height, height and volume of the trunk significantly exceed trees of natural origin both in the berry pine forest and in the mixed grass pine forest. The distribution of trees by diameter and height in young forests of artificial and natural origin, both in the berry pine forest and in the forb pine forest, is characterized by a distribution close to normal. The distribution of trees of artificial and natural origin in the berry pine forest and the forb pine forest in terms of trunk volume is distinguished by left-sided asymmetry and sharpness. When distributed by rank height classes, a significant reduction in the level of variability of biometric indicators is provided. However, in natural young stands, a very high level of variability in stem volume in the bark remains. Both in artificial and natural young stands, the main (86.3-97.5%) stock of trunk wood in the bark falls on trees of I-III height classes. In the forb pine forest, artificial and natural young stands had almost the same reserve values, which confirms the formation of young pine stands of natural artificial origin. In the berry pine forest, birch renewal does not represent significant competition to pine. In the forb pine forest, birch creates serious competition for pine and, probably, the formation of deciduous-coniferous plantations and oppression of pine.

Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L., natural and artificial young stands, timber stock
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