from 01.01.2022 until now
Vologda, Vologda, Russian Federation
UDK 332 Региональная (территориальная) экономика. Земельный (аграрный) вопрос. Жилищное хозяйство
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
The development of territories is one of the key problems of the regional economy. Public authorities are developing projects, making changes to existing laws regarding the system of local self-government, thereby optimizing the work of local self-government bodies. The unification of municipalities is one of the most effective methods for optimizing the work of local self-government bodies. All these actions are aimed at creating a unified effective system of local self-government. One of the tools for solving these problems is inter-municipal cooperation. In this article, it is considered a way to ensure the socio-economic development of the region. The aim of the study is to estimate the number of municipalities and analyze the impact of inter-municipal cooperation on their development. As tasks to achieve the goal, it is necessary to allocate: 1) identification of key problems of municipal formations based on the analysis of their quantitative indicator from 2006 to 2022; 2) on the basis of domestic practices of application of inter-municipal cooperation to identify the main directions of development of inter-municipal cooperation in the Russian Federation, as well as barriers preventing this process. The article discusses theoretical issues of inter-municipal cooperation, development prospects, problems of implementation in the Russian Federation, projects for the implementation of inter-municipal cooperation.
inter-municipal cooperation, municipal formation, regional economy, socio-economic development, North-Western Federal District, standard of living of the population, local governments
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